Apr 03
April 5, 2020 – Bulletin
Mar 28
COVID-19: March 28, 2020 Update
Dear Glencross Congregation,Glencross Church Services have been cancelled until the end of April, we will share an update at that time.
Because we were not able to have our membership meeting regarding the lead Pastor Position, Church Council, Pulpit and Pastor search committee have approved a three month term position for Peter Redekopp from April 1st – June 30th.
Pastor Peter will be sharing at the Cornerstone Church Sunday March 29, 2020 at 11:00, the service will be live streamed at cornerstoneministries.ca
We still need donations to meet our obligations during this time, so you may want to consider online giving, please contact our treasurers if you have questions.
Glencross Mennonite Church
Church Council Chair
Isaac Klassen
Mar 28
Live Online Concert: Prairie Joe on Thursday, April 16 at 7:00 PM
Mar 18
COVID-19: March 18 Update
Dear Glencross Congregation,Ministerial and Church Council have been in communication with regards to the Coronavirus and have made the decision to cancel the Glencross Church Service and Sunday School for this coming Sunday March 22, 2020.
Ministerial will discuss options at the meeting next week on how we can continue to connect and worship during this time and we will continue to monitor the situation and make decisions as needed.
The membership meeting scheduled for Monday evening March 23, 2020 will be postponed till further notice.
We ask that you please consider the information below and take necessary precautions.
The global spread of COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. There is fear and anxiety about this virus in our society but we want to frame our response to this crisis from a foundation of our deep assurance of God’s knowledge and care for us. We do want to be wise in our response and help protect one another as much as possible. This is why we have made some changes to all of our gatherings. Please join us in following these precautionary measures listed below. We continue to exercise our faith by praying for those serving in health care as they wrestle through the challenges of the flu and COVID-19, and for families affected by this illness. In light of who God is, we encourage you to remain calm, be courageous, wise, and always ready to do good in our community and world.
We encourage those who are feeling ill to stay home until you are well.
We ask that seniors or otherwise vulnerable people consider avoiding Sunday and other gatherings for a season. Watching services online or listening to sermons online is a good option until the threat of COVID-19 decreases.
We recognize that this is a personal decision and want to respect the choices you make.
If you know of any seniors and others who will be experiencing isolation because of these crises Please let someone in the church leadership know so we can organize phone support, grocery pick up, meal delivery and other services that may be appropriate during this time.
Please greet one another without a handshake, or hug etc., and remember to cough into your sleeve, tissue etc. and dispose of any used tissue immediately.
For up to date information on the Coronavirus you can check the Government of Manitoba website https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/coronavirus/
Glencross Mennonite Church
Ministerial and Church Council