May 31, 2020 – Bulletin

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Announcement: Deacon Nominations

Deacon Elections 2020

It is time to start our annual Deacon selection process

Please use the bulletin insert entitled “Biblical Qualities of a Godly Leader” to prayerfully consider whom God is calling for this area of Ministry. 

Deacon Nominations for three Deacon couples as well as the Lead Pastor vote will be held on Monday Evening June 8th as a drive through process.

The names of the nominees that allow their names to stand will be printed in the bulletin for Sunday June 21st.

The Deacon Election vote date and time to be confirmed at a later date. . 

Couples that are eligible for re-election
Bob & Anna Friesen
Matt & Jenn Klassen

Please Do Not nominate the following couples because they are already serving as Deacon couples
Daniel & Helene Schulz
Harold & Loretta Friesen
Ken & Irene Hildebrand

Please Do Not nominate
Peter & Vicky Hoeppner because they have served three 2 year terms and are not eligible for re-election.

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May 24, 2020 – Worship Service

May 24, 2020 – Bulletin

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May 17, 2020 @ 10:30 AM – EMMC Joint Service

Click here to watch the online worship service on YouTube

May 17, 2020 – Bulletin

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